Friday 20 January 2012

3. Focus Group

In the lesson today we conducted three focus groups in order to find out what the specific target audience would like within a school magazine. 

1. Year 7's (age 12-13)
    - celebrity information from topical people, for example One Direction, including interviews pictures and posters.
    - a page for upcoming events in the school calender.
    - teacher profiles, including 'secret' information and jokey comments.
    - feedback from council meetings.
    - student achievements, for example sports competitions, music exams etc.
    - free giveaway to attract the reader to buy the magazine, for example a token for free house points with every magazine.
    - advertise the house point and stationary shop
    - pull-out exam timetables
    - revision session timetables
    - horoscope page
    - games section
    - cringe/embarrassing moments page
    - agony aunt/problem page
    - released monthly
    - canteen menu (telephone number for contribution for new ideas)

2. Staff
    - mainly targeted at students and parents rather than staff
    - include student opinions on topical events
    - celebration page of student's excellent work
    - reports from house meetings, inter-house competitions etc
    - released termly
    - each edition follows a theme
    - school/house colour scheme throughout the magazine, including front page
    - feature articles about life at the school
    - how the school is affected by news stories and laws
    - polls/vox pops to show opinions of the school community 
    - jokes and games pages
    - editorial letter
    - comic strip
    - letters page from students
    - school events calender
    - split into sections for lower and upper school
    - local events advertised
    - page of adverts for local and worldwide businesses

3. Male 6th form members (age 17-18)
    - more images than text
    - front cover shows image of an attractive female
    - facts about the school
    - gossip page
    - range of colours, not following a specific theme
    - released fortnightly
    - discount vouchers for school canteen
    - school football team scores/ competition results
    - news stories if the school will be affected
    - letters page sent in by students
    - problem page
    - cartoon/comic strip
    - reviews of music, games, events etc
    - events taking place nearby and special offers

1 comment:

  1. Well done, Alice. That's quite a comprehensive round up of the focus groups.

    It's also a really good idea to add in pictures along with your blog just to make them more interesting for the reader too, so that's a great idea which others would do well to steal.
