Friday 27 January 2012

4. Preliminary Task

 As the preliminary task, we were required to create a front page and contents page of a school magazine. 

As a result of the focus group I had many ideas to add into my school magazine, and these appear in the first few pages. 

The front cover includes the typical convention of a mid-shot of one person, this person being a figure of authority within the school, and she looks smart, friendly and approachable, so this gives a positive impression of the school. The colour scheme used matches the school colours, which gives a professional appearance, and the fonts are clear and easy to read. 

Also, the front cover matches other conventions, such as a bold magazine name at the head of the page, small images with sell lines detailing information within the magazine, and a small contents strip at the foot of the page alongside the school logo. 

I was careful to include a range of aspects which would appeal to the wide target audience within the school; for example the One Direction image relates to an interview and free poster, which is likely to appeal to the younger girls, whereas the revision sessions would be extremely helpful for both girls and boys within the 6th form and upper school who have a lot of exams to prepare for. The canteen menu is non-discriminative as it is information which would be helpful to all students and staff alike. 

This contents page continues the use of the school colour scheme, and appears organized and clear, presenting professionalism. 

The small images match the text, and would appeal the the younger students who desire more images than text, while detailing further information about the articles and magazine features. The logo has been used again to re-enforce the professional appearance. 


  1. I really like that you used the school colours for this, it looks so good! And the layout is really good, it's not too busy like other school magazines!:)

  2. I love the main image on your cover! The colour scheme and font consistency really makes it look professional!
